
Nokia Announced to Come Back Next Year

2017-06-25 小仙 小仙英语伴读订阅号

Nokia Announced to Come Back Next Year

  译  诺基亚宣布明年回归

____ Editor's notes: This is old News. This is a reading material for English learner. ____

  译  编者按:就是旧闻。是英语学习者阅读材料。

Nokia will make a comeback next year with a plan to launch new smartphones.

  译  诺基亚将于明年回归并计划推出新款智能手机。

  词法  launch 发起;推出(新产品);发射。例:We were going to launch an attack. 我们准备发起进攻。

But whether it will rekindle interest among Chinese consumers for the Finnish brand remains to be seen, said analysts.

  译  但是分析师表示,其能否再次吸引中国消费者对该芬兰品牌的兴趣仍有待观察。

  词法  rekindle重新点燃。例:He blew hard on the ashes to rekindle the fire. 他用力吹灰烬以便使火复燃。

  词法  consumer 消费者;用户;消费品。例:We should accept the consumers' suggestion.我们应该接受用户的建议。

  词法  Finnish 芬兰人;芬兰语。

  词法  brand 烙印;商标;牌子。例:Winston is a brand of cigarette. “温斯顿”是一个香烟品牌。

  词法  remain 剩余;留下;依然;保持。例:I didn't remain long in the city. 我没在那个城市逗留很长时间。

They pointed out that brand reputation alone cannot help Nokia regain lost glory or market share as China represents the world's most competitive smartphone market.

  译  分析人士指出,仅凭品牌知名度无法帮助诺基亚恢复失去的荣誉或市场份额,因为中国代表着世界上竞争最激烈的智能手机市场。

  词法  reputation 声誉,名声,名气。例:He earned a high reputation for his learning. 他在学识方面享有很高的声誉。

  词法  regain 恢复;重回;复得。例:When will the patient regain his consciousness? 这个病人什么时候恢复知觉?

  词法  glory 光荣;荣誉;壮丽。例:No road of flowers leads to glory. 没有一条通往光荣的道路是铺满鲜花的。

  词法  competitive 竞争的;有竞争力的。例:Our prices are competitive. 我们的价格是有竞争性的。

HMD Global, which now owns the handset brand, announced last Thursday it is planning to reintroduce Nokia in the market in the first half of 2017.

  译  现在拥有该手机品牌的HMD Global公司于上周四宣布,计划在2017年上半年将诺基亚重新引入市场。

  词法  handset 电话听筒;手机。例:I want to buy a handset but I am not clear which brand is the best. 我想买一个手机,但不清楚选哪家好。

  词法  reintroduce 再介绍;再引入。例:We haven't met in a long time, so let me reintroduce myself. 我们好长时间没有见面了,所以让我再来自我介绍一下。

Florian Seiche, president of the Finland-based HMD Global, said "with our passionate team, startup attitude, a brand with a 95 percent worldwide awareness and a unique, asset-light partnership approach, we believe we are perfectly placed to forge a new way in mobile".

  译  芬兰HMD Global的总裁弗洛里安·塞切表示:“凭借我们充满激情的团队、创业态度、一个在全球具有95%知名度的品牌以及一个独特、轻资产的伙伴合作,我们相信我们完全可以在移动领域创造一种新的方式。”

  词法  passionate 热情的;激情的;易怒的。例:His passionate speech had an effect on our emotions. 他的热情演讲打动了我们的感情。

  词法  awareness 认识;觉察;意识。例:He had no awareness of his mistakes. 他没有意识到自己的错误。

  词法  unique 独特的;独一无二的。例:It's a unique work of art. 这是独一无二的艺术作品。

  词法  asset 资产;优点;有用的东西。例:The tennis player's speed is his great asset. 那个网球运动员动作迅速,这是他的一大优势。

  词法  approach 靠近,接近;途径,方法。例:He still had not the courage to approach her.他仍没有勇气靠近她。

  词法  forge 锻造;伪造;建立。例:Some people forge official documents. 有些人伪造公文。

However, Xiang Ligang, independent analyst and CEO of the telecom industry website cctime.com, said Nokia handsets' future in China appears rather bleak.

  译  但是,电信业网站飞象网的独立分析师兼首席执行官项立刚表示,诺基亚手机在中国的未来显得相当暗淡。

  词法  independent 独立的;自主的。例:You should learn to be independent of your parents. 你应该学习不要依赖父母。

  词法  bleak 萧瑟的;阴郁的;严寒的;无希望的。例:The weather in early December was bleak and unpleasant. 十二月初的天气又阴冷又难受。


